Uniting Leadership and Driving Growth at Mérieux NutriSciences

Mérieux NutriSciences, a global leader in food safety and quality, faced challenges with leadership fragmentation, historically misaligned goals across departments, and an absence of a cohesive corporate culture.


How BOxD Helped Mérieux NutriSciences Unite Leadership and Cultivate a Company-Wide Focus on Growth and Increased Profitability

BOxD Client Merieux NutriSciences

Mérieux NutriSciences, a global leader in food safety and quality, faced challenges with leadership fragmentation, historically misaligned goals across departments, and an absence of a cohesive corporate culture.


Unify the leadership into a more cohesive team working toward better-aligned goals while role-modeling a mindset focused on growth to teams across the organization.


Through its partnership with BOxD, Mérieux unified its leadership team, embedded a mindset of profitability, and created a culture of collaboration and innovation.

Mérieux NutriSciences, a subsidiary of Institut Mérieux, is a global leader in providing high-quality testing, consulting, and auditing services focused on food safety, quality, and sustainability. With operations spanning over 25 countries and serving clients in diverse industries such as food production, pharmaceuticals, and personal care, Mérieux NutriSciences holds a critical role in ensuring public health and consumer protection.

However, with rapid growth and geographical expansion, the company faced increasing internal complexity. The decentralized nature of its operations across multiple regions led to functional silos, resulting in fragmented decision-making and inconsistent execution of strategic goals. Additionally, the organization needed a shift in its leadership approach to ensure cohesion and to align every region and department under a shared vision of profitability and sustainable growth.

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BOxD did an outstanding job in grasping our situation, really taking the time to get to the heart of it. It never felt like they were just applying some off-the-shelf solution. Sure, there’s a structure and a methodology to their approach, but it was always applied in a way that was mindful of our company’s unique legacy and mindset.

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Sébastien Moulard President of Mérieux North America

The Challenges

1. Leadership Misalignment:
With different departments and regional offices operating in isolation, the leadership team struggled to make unified decisions. Conflicting priorities and a lack of communication across departments led to inefficiencies and delayed decision-making, ultimately impacting profitability.

2. Siloed Operations:
Mérieux NutriSciences’ global footprint meant that various regions were functioning almost independently, with little to no alignment on key strategic initiatives. This created barriers to cross-functional collaboration, making it difficult to streamline processes or share best practices across the organization.

3. Lack of a Unified Growth Strategy:
While the company had a strong foundation in terms of service offerings and market position, there was no cohesive strategy to drive growth and profitability at scale. Different teams and departments were operating with their own goals, which often did not align with the broader vision of the organization. The absence of a unified approach to growth and operational efficiency was hindering the company’s potential for sustainable success.

4. Cultural Fragmentation:
With rapid expansion and a growing workforce, Mérieux NutriSciences faced cultural fragmentation. The company lacked a shared leadership identity, and employees across different regions experienced varying levels of engagement. This inconsistency in culture and values further compounded the challenge of fostering collaboration and driving company-wide initiatives forward.

Sébastien sought an external partner to tackle these challenges head-on, with the goal of transforming the leadership team, aligning operational objectives, and cultivating a company-wide mindset focused on growth and profitability.
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BOxD quickly picked up our idiosyncrasies and each of our personalities. Their consultants were able to diagnose our problems quickly and tell a story to us about us. They really understood us which led to a high level of trust.

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Brian Gray Executive Vice President of Commercial

The Solution

BOxD partnered with Mérieux NutriSciences to develop and execute a strategy focused on uniting leadership and driving cultural transformation. The solution included:

1. Leadership Alignment Sessions:
BOxD conducted in-depth workshops with the executive team, designed to:
• Break down silos and improve cross-functional communication.
• Clarify and align strategic objectives around growth and profitability.
• Define a unified leadership identity and cultivate a shared sense of accountability.

2. Tailored Leadership Coaching:
BOxD provided one-on-one coaching to leaders at various levels to:
• Develop individual leadership capabilities and foster personal growth.
• Ensure each leader’s approach was consistent with the new company-wide growth strategy.
• Address specific leadership challenges and help align their personal goals with the broader organizational objectives.

3. Company-Wide Growth Mindset Initiatives:
BOxD implemented organization-wide initiatives aimed at:
• Embedding a focus on profitable growth in all levels of the company, from the executive team to frontline managers.
• Encouraging cross-functional collaboration and communication to improve efficiency and innovation.
• Developing new KPIs and performance metrics that tracked progress toward profitability and cultural alignment.

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The most everlasting impact is that BOxD makes you realize that you can do more together than you can do individually. We needed to start operating together rather than everybody in their own little silo. With BOxD, we made that happen.

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Kevin Pope Vice President, Human Resources

The Results

• Unified Leadership: BOxD helped align the leadership team, fostering stronger collaboration and strategic decision-making across the board.

• Culture of Growth: A clear shift in mindset occurred throughout the organization, with employees and leaders alike adopting a focus on growth and profitability as key priorities.

• Operational Efficiency: The company saw improvements in cross-functional teamwork, resulting in faster execution of strategic initiatives and more streamlined processes.

• Measurable Profitability Gains: Mérieux NutriSciences reported improved financial performance within the first year of implementation, with profitability increasing as a direct result of the initiatives.

“I’ve seen greater synergies and better alignment among the teams. We’ve got commercial and operations working in tandem on initiatives now.”

Dave Bieda Senior Director of Commercial

Partnering with BOxD enabled Mérieux NutriSciences to transform its leadership culture, align its strategic focus, and improve financial outcomes. This success story highlights how leadership cohesion and cultural alignment are critical in driving company-wide success and achieving sustainable growth.


  • Unified leadership team with a shared vision and strategic alignment
  • Employees are empowered to contribute to solutions
  • Enhanced communication and collaboration within and between departments
  • Improved operational efficiency and innovation, driving sustained growth

See how BOxD can help your company’s leadership work at a higher level and lead the way through a large organizational change.

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